Paga Dustin Moskovitz

Themelues - Facebook, Asana, Good Ventures - Shtetet e Bashkuara
I lindur: 1984, Florida, United States
  • Vjetor: 11 289 355 369 Lekë
  • Mujor: 940 779 614 Lekë
  • Javor: 217 102 988 Lekë
  • I përditshëm: 43 420 598 Lekë
Dustin Moskovitz

From the moment you arrived on this page, Dustin Moskovitz has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Chris Hughes (lindur 26 nëntor 1983 është një sipërmarrës amerikan, i cili bashkë-themeluar dhe ka shërbyer si zëdhënës për dosjen online social punon ne siten te Facebook dhe, me Harvard Zuckerberg roommates Mark, Dustin Moskovitz, dhe Eduardo Saverin. Jeta e hershme dhe edukimit Hughes u rrit deri në arrë amerikane, North Carolina,si fëmija i vetëm i Arlen "Ray" Hughes, një shitës letër, dhe Brenda Hughes, një publik-shkollë mësuesi.Ai është një i diplomuar i Phillips Akademia në Andover, Massachusetts. në vitin 2006 ai u diplomua magna cum laude nga Universiteti i Harvardit me një diplomë të Arteve në histori dhe letërsi.

Wikipedia page about Chris Hughes

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $18.0 B ( $121 M rise compared to last year).

Net Worth 2023: $ 12.2 B Forbes ($ 4.1B rise compared to 2022)

Net Worth 2022: $8.1 B

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2018 from the 2019 net worth.
Net worth 2020: $9.3B
Net worth 2021: $17.8B

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2018 from the 2019 net worth.
Net worth 2019: $13.5B
Net worth 2018: $12.2B

In March 2011, Forbes reported Moskovitz to be the youngest self-made billionaire in history, on the basis of his 2.34% share in Facebook.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-4
